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Web Sites related to Transplantation

About Transplantation This site is the home of the New England Organ Bank and contains information on transplantation relating to kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, pancreas', heart/lungs, corneas, tissues and bone. It also contains reference papers and links to other sites.

American Society of Transplant Physicians As its name suggests, this site relates to the above society and contains general information about the group, details of Awards made, public policy, membership and various committees.

American Society of Transplant Surgeons From this site it is possible to access quite a wide range of information on transplantation, including journals, recent presentations and case reports. It also contains information on intestinal transplantation and reference information.

American Share Foundation When visited, the site was still under construction, however the American Share Foundation is a national US charity aimed at candidates for transplantation, transplant recipients, caregivers, families and members of the public. It has links to lots of other transplant related sites.

American Association of Kidney Patients This is a support group which was founded over 25 years ago, and contains information about the history of the society, forthcoming meetings, details of patients' rights and online support newsgroups. In the event of difficulty accessing this site directly, visit Transweb (see later note) which links to this group via its patient support groups section.

American Liver Foundation A national, voluntary, non-profit making health organisation dedicated to preventing, treating and curing hepatitis and all liver disease through research, education and support groups. Includes information about liver diseases, lists of current clinical trials and research and details of liver specialists by region.

American Association for the Study of Liver Disease This can be accessed via the American Liver Foundation if necessary and is an organisation of physicians and biomedical scientists with an interest in the liver and its diseases. Contains membership information, details of forthcoming meetings, a research update and reviews of histopathologic cases.

American Red Cross Tissue Donation Web Page Contains information on the location of tissue services in the US, and on how to become a tissue donor. Also includes basic information on tissue donation, and the families of recipients share their stories.

Autologous Blood & Marrow Transplant Registry of North America This is a joint site with the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry and contains good statistics and patient information, details of forthcoming meetings, newsletters, and links to other related sites.

Biliary Atresia & Liver Transplantation Network A non-profit making organisation set up by mothers of children with biliary atresia. Gives details of the disease and about the organisation and how to join. Provides copies of the group's newsletter The Biliary Tree on-line and information about activities aimed at children through their own Club.

British Organ Donor Society (BODY) This site is still fairly embryonic, but gives details of the UK charity BODY, and of the umbrella group TIME - Transplants in Mind. TIME organises the annual public awareness campaign National Transplant Week, and represents all the major UK charities involved in organ donation and transplantation. The site also gives information on the British Transplant Games.

Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide is a project aiming to collect HLA phenotypes of bone marrow donors and cord blood units for distribution worldwide. It has an on-line matching programme, and research links to other Organisations, and donor registries across the world.

Coalition on Donation This is a US alliance of national organisations and local coalitions to educate the public about transplantation. Contains details of planned activity and strategy across the US.

Children's Organ Transplant Association With the aim of helping raise funds, the COTA group works to ensure that no individual in the US is excluded from transplantation because of a lack of funds. Contains personal testimonies and general information on transplantation

Facts about Organ Donation and Transplantation As its name suggests, this site provides some fairly basic facts and figures about transplantation. It is provided by UNOS (see later note) and can be accessed via their main site.

International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry See Autologous Blood & Marrow Transplant Registry of North America

The Michigan Coalition on Donation A non profit alliance of professional, patient, health, science, transplant and voluntary organisations which works to increase public awareness of organ and tissue donation. Contains a number of links to other good transplantation sites. More Facts about Organ Donation & Transplantation Similar in tone and content to Facts about Organ Donation & Transplantation

MORE, Multiple Organ Retrieval & Exchange Programme of Ontario (Canada) The MORE project was set up to facilitate and coordinate donation and retrieval/distribution of organs throughout Canada. The site provides patient testimonies as well as plenty of statistics on organ donation. It also gives links to Canadian centres and provides a registration form for completion.

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Disease This site contains a wide range of information on the above diseases, with some information on transplantation. It gives links to other pages, plus copies of recent press releases and sources of government information.

National Kidney Federation (US) This site looks as if it will be a useful source of information, not just about kidney transplants, but kidney disease in general, as well as details of public education and fundraising campaigns planned. However, at the time of visiting, large sections of the site were still under construction. Well worth visiting.

National Transplant Assistance Fund Formerly the National Heart Assistance and Transplant fund, this is a non profit organization providing financial, social and emotional support to transplant candidates.

Organ Transplantation Newsgroup Exchange news and views on-line with other users in this discussion group.

Sandoz Transplant Square A service to transplantation offered by Sandoz, this site contains information about organ donation and transplantation, looks at xenotransplantation and offers links to other sites with information about transplants.

Society for Transplant & Related Support This site advertises a UK based organisation, but is extremely out of date. When visited, it only contained information for a conference held during September 1995.

The Transplant News This site advertises an independent newsletter (US based), issued fortnightly throughout the year.

Transweb - Transplantation and Donation This site contains a huge amount of information, with sections for patient information and information for healthcare professionals. One very useful area is their page Transplantation resources on the Internet with links to other web sites related to transplantation. However, like many web pages, it is US based, which means there is not much information on activities taking place outside the States. This is the most comprehensive site visited, and the best first stop on a tour of transplant related resources on the internet.

Within Transweb, access the following pages:


Focus on Transplant Patients

Information for Medical Professionals

Organ and Tissue Donation: Issues & Answers

Transplantation Resources on the Internet

Library & Index

UNOS, United Network for Organ Sharing Gives a wide range of information including details on UNOS, facts and statistics related to transplantation, public resources and policy proposals, forthcoming events, news releases and links to other transplant related sites. Also gives information on how to work for UNOS

If you want to read about the UNOS restrictions for heppers, please read:UNOS

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