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Purpose of test:
Screens for iron deficiency and iron overload
Measures iron storage
Distinguishes between iron deficiency and chronic inflammation

Patient preparation:
None required

Time before test results are available:
Test requires only a few minutes in the laboratory. Time before results are reported to the doctor or patient varies from a few minutes to a few days.

Normal values:
According to the Mayo Medical Laboratories, ferritin levels range as follows:
Men--20 to 300ng/ml
Women--20 to 120ng/ml
Children 6 months to 15 years--7 to 140ng/ml
Children 1 month--200 to 600ng/ml
Newborns--25 to 200ng/ml

What "high" or "increased" may indicate:
Acute or chronic infection or inflammation
Chronic hemolytic anemia
Chronic kidney disease
Hodgkin's disease
Iron overload
Liver disease, acute or chronic

What "low" or "decreased" may indicate:
Iron deficiency

Taking these drugs may affect test results:
None expected

Other factors that may affect test results:
A recent blood transfusion may cause an increase in ferritin levels
If tourniquest is applied on the arm too long (over 1 minute), it may cause an inaccurate test result. Request another sample be collected to ensure accuracy.

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